Dearest Momma

Dearest Momma,

From my heart, with love and compassion, I have something to tell you. Something important. I want you to read this, hear it, feel it, and fully receive it! Are you ready? I’m ready! Gorgeous momma, I need you to stop! I need you to STOP looking at your body as something that needs to be worked on. Stop talking about how much weight you’ve lost. Stop talking about how much weight you’ve gained. Stop analyzing your postpartum hair. Stop criticizing your feet. Stop checking the size of your stretch marks. STOP! Stop measuring your cup size. Stop obsessing over your skin. Stop feeling guilty about not nursing. Stop feeling shameful that your house is a mess. STOP IT RIGHT NOW!

Did you get that? Did you fully receive it? Go read it again. And again. Until it really sinks in! YOU DESERVE THIS!

Triggered by the IG posts I’ve witnessed of women picking apart their bodies, my heart broke open and I cried for the first time in a long time. We are mothers, damn it. WE HAVE CREATED LIFE! That is a damn miracle. Why are we so numb to the magic of creation?! I have seen the beauty of life come to life in my womb 4 times now. For that, I am so grateful! Isn’t that the only emotion we should feel regarding our body and our baby: GRATITUDE! This idea that we need to work on our postpartum bodies does a huge disservice to our baby and to our SELF! I am saddened by the thought that we, as women, feel like we need to change our bodies to feel happy, to entice a man, to fit in with other women, whatever the thought may be. Let’s let it go! Let’s join together and STOP the bullshit. We deserve to be fully in love with ourselves. We deserve that!

I am tired of trying to change my body. I AM NOT DOING THAT ANYMORE! My body has given life to 2 beautiful rainbow babies. I am thankful for that. From here on out, my body affirmation is “I am in love and full of gratitude to have this beautiful postpartum body!”


Dear momma, I LOVE YOU! You are a gift to this world, a gift to your child and a gift to your self. I will pray every night that our world heals from the images that don’t serve us! You are beautiful and perfect in every way!

May your day be full of love and GRATITUDE!



Caleigh Bird Art

Hello my loooooves!!!! Let me start by apologizing to Caleigh Bird, publicly! This blog should have been up weeks ago. To be honest, I’ve been struggling to find balance in our new ventures and the addition of our sweet Juliet. Please forgive me Caleigh!

Caleigh sent a beautiful portrait of our girls to me, last month, and my heart melted into a giant puddle. Her artistry is incredible and she perfectly captured the girls and their love for one another. I am truly impressed at how beautiful the portrait turned out. My lack of creativity allows me to truly appreciate a great artist and their beautiful work. Caleigh is a great artist! We keep one of her post cards on our desk because we’re obsessed with the sketch. We don’t even know the person in it! THAT is how beautiful her art is.

To see Caleigh’s work please visit her website right here!

Thank you for your patience with me, Caleigh. And thank you A MILLION TIMES OVER for the portrait that I know I’ll cherish for all of time.

May your day be full of love & laughter!

